Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Working – our “New Normal”- A message to our Customers

These are strange times we are living in, but we must all do our part to keep everyone safe in accordance to government guidelines. 

When you come back to visit us, you will see we have made some updates to our front of house:

  • Counter area has now been kitted out with perspex screens for yours (and our) safety
  • Floors have been marked for where customers should stand to maintain a safe distance
  • Hand sanitiser will be made available for your use

These measures are in place in addition to the additional high hygiene standards we already adhere to both front and back of house.  See latest Government guidelines (29/05/20) and our responses to them:

Government:  No orders should be taken in person on the premises – this should be communicated to customers by appropriate means such as signage.  Businesses should therefore only take orders online or by telephone

Our Response:  All orders will taken via telephone with the option for delivery or collection.  Currently no walk in orders allowed. As per normal, additional £2.50 charge applies for delivery service (within Westhill area only)

Government:  Customers could have staggered collection times – customers should be discouraged from entering the premises until their order is ready

Our Response:  Time slots will be allocated to all customers who opt to collect their orders with a max of 2 customers in the front of house premises at any one time

Government:  Customers arriving without having already placed an order should be encouraged to leave the premises to place their order by telephone or online and to return at a designated time for collection

Our Response:  As above (Telephone orders only)

Government:  Customers whose orders are ready should enter one at a time to collect orders and make payments

Our Response:  Max of 2 customers shall be allowed into the front of house premises at any one time with clearly marked areas of where they should stand to adhere to social distancing measures.  Customers should be courteous of each other by entering and leaving the premises 1 at a time.

Government:  Businesses should discourage crowding outside the premises. Where possible, use queue management systems to maintain the 2 metres separation

Our Response:  Where there are already 2 customers on the premises, customers collecting orders are asked to wait outside adhering to the 2 metre rule, entering when appropriate.

Above all we want everyone to feel safe and stay safe in these testing times.  We welcome any feedback as we learn to live, work and play in this new normal so please reach out to our staff or email us at for any feedback you may wish to share.

Take Care

Team Szechuan Westhill